An Inside Look at Tyndale Fiction

In episode 19 of the Tyndale Arc podcast, acquisitions and social media editor Shaina Turner walks us through the process of fiction acquisition and gives a sneak peek into what her daily duties look like.

Here’s an excerpt:

The acquisition process differs slightly depending on the company and department, but at Tyndale House Crazy4Fiction, we start off by receiving proposals and manuscripts from various agents in the Christian and secular industry. The proposal typically consists of a summary, short hook, comparable titles, and a few sample chapters. If the proposal catches our eye, a few acquisitions editors (AEs) on our team read through it and discuss whether the author and novel feel like a fit for our company and our current line. When acquiring, we’re often working more than a year out. So that means that if I acquire a novel now, in April 2016, it will most likely be a product in spring or summer of 2017!

To listen to the whole podcast and hear more insider thoughts on publishing, click below.

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